Our reading series, Wonders, is aligned to the ELA Common Core standards. This series also includes grammar, spelling, and writing instruction. In addition to whole group instruction, paired reading, and independent work, students will be working in reading stations in my classroom. The leveled readers and packets in these stations are differentiated for the different reading levels of 4th grade students. Your child may change groups based on assessments, classroom performance, and teacher discretion. Please check the newsletter for the weekly story selection, skills, and assessments and/or due dates. I also include a reading “mini-project” to reinforce skills in a creative way for each selection.
Before the winter break and after PSSA testing, we will complete novel units. My reading assignments do change during those times and will be communicated to students and parents.
Reading comprehension tests and vocabulary tests will be given on Day 6. A reading “mini-project” will be assigned with each lesson or groups of lessons. These assignments are another way for students to earn grades outside of taking a test. They will reinforce one of the selection’s reading skills, include writing, and often allow for student creativity. They will be graded based on the rubric on the assignment and in Schoology.
In reading, grading is comprised of comprehension and vocabulary assessments, skills test with cold reads, mini-reading projects, novel tests and novel packets. There may be other assignments included this grade.
Assignments may be turned in late according to the following guidelines. Homework is generally given 1 point; late homework must be turned in the next day for ½ point. Your child will be given a zero for homework assignments if they are not turned in the next school day. Illnesses and absences will be taken into consideration. Generally, students are given one extra day to turn in work for each day that is missed.
Mini-reading projects and novel packets that are late will have 10% of the final grade deducted for each day it is late.