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Counseling Office

Hello from Mrs. Vaughn!


When Things Change


Changing Our Thoughts

When We're Frustrated


Challenge Journal

Practicing Mindfulness


Breathe With Us

When the Wind Blows


Blank Circle of Power

Blank "I Am" Page

Character Strength Flash Cards



My Feelings Journal


Welcome to the Buffalo Elementary School Counseling page! 

As Buffalo Elementary's school counselor, my role is to provide support to students, families, and teachers. Students in grades K through 5 present a wide variety of needs, ranging from academic, social, emotional, and behavioral. I'm here to provide support through observation, consultation, short-term and solution-focused individual counseling with students, small group counseling, and classroom lessons. If you have a concern about your child or if you have questions you'd like to ask, please contact me by phone @ 724-353-9577 ext. 4599 or by email.


Liz Vaughn
Elementary Counselor
Freeport Area School District
(724) 353-9577 ext. 4599

"The face of a child says it all, especially the mouth part of the face." -Anonymous





Freeport Area Care Team (FACT) Program

Helpful Resources

Center for Community Resources

CCR coordinates supportive services for individuals and families seeking information & referral for mental health, intellectual disabilities, substance abuse and other human service needs.

Family Behavioral Resources

FBR provides behavioral health, community based, and school based services to individuals and families.

Family Counseling Center

FCC provides mental health and intellectual disability services to residents of Armstrong county.

Highmark Caring Place: A Center for Grieving Children, Adolescents, and Their Families

The Caring Place offers services at no charge to grieving families.

Kids Health

This site is intended for both parents and children. Click away to read about information regarding children and their health/wellness.

Teen's Guide to Mental Health

This site provides important mental health information for teens an adolescents.

Mental Health and Self-Care Resources

This site provides information about self-care and mental health resources.


Bullying Prevention Resources

What Every Parent Needs to Know About Bullying

This document from the Center for Safe Schools provides useful information for parents. 

Kids Against Bullying

This is an informative, yet interactive, site for children and their families to learn more about ways to prevent bullying.

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program

This site will give you updated information and research related to bullying.


This is an interactive site for children and adults about ways to take a stand against bullying!


Internet Safety Resources

Internet Safety

This site is for parents and children. It gives great information about Internet Safety.

Connect Safely

This site provides resources and ideas about internet safety and cyberbullying.


Career Readiness Resources

Career, Education and Work Standards

This document provides the standards addressed by counselors through career readiness programming. 

PA Career Zone

This interactive website provides fun tools for career exploration.


School Counseling Resources

Who Are School Counselors?

This document provides information about the role of school counselors.

ASCA Ethical Standards

This document outlines the ethical standards followed by school counselors. 

School Counselor 20 Years Difference

This document highlights the changing perception of school counselors across 20 years. 

Pennsylvania School Counselors Association

This site includes information relevant to school counselors in PA.

American School Counselor Association

This site provides information about the school counselor’s role and some resources for families.