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About Buffalo Elementary

Principal:  Michael R. Kleckner

Buffalo Elementary School is located on 21.3 acres in a rural area of Sarver, Buffalo Township. Access is good, with well-developed and ample paved parking on the grounds. Originally a one story building, it was built in 1936. Additions were made in 1955, 1962, and 2001.  The school enrolls about 600 students in grades K through 5.

The instructional program is progressive in nature, with an extensive computer technology component in the curriculum for grades K-5. Art, music, library, and physical education services are furnished by special personnel. A reading improvement program provides specialized help through Title I funds to qualifying students. Libraries and health rooms are located in each building. Nursing services are provided to all the elementary schools. The services of a guidance counselor are available. An instrumental music program for fifth grade and choir for both fourth and fifth grade is offered. Children who have special needs are serviced in a Mixed Category Resource Room.